
Nick will be reading an extract from his novel, Love and Mayhem, at Storytails on Sunday 26th June 2011. Storytails is a free event featuring readings of short fictional stories from some professional, and some not-quite-so professional writers. Storytails is held on the last Sunday of every month from 3pm at The Drop, beneath The …

“The Distinguished Assassin”, Second Extract

29th December ‘52 At Kirovskaya, Natasha stands on the escalator as it descends into the bowels of Moscow. She recalls how just over a week ago, on 21st December, she and a few other work colleagues had to celebrate Comrade Stalin’s birthday, there something obscene about this. For though the majority of people know that …

“Love and Mayhem”, a review by Ralph Lewis

“Love and Mayhem is very intense, but quite remarkable in your depiction of the feeling states of Jack and Catherine – and very well written! So just wanted to say how much I enjoyed it!” Ralph Lewis

“Love and Mayhem”, a review by S. Modi

“This is a remarkable first novel written by Nick Taussig. In short, if you want to experience life through an emotional, intellectual and an almost hidden soul, Nick has managed this with pure perfection. ‘When fate’s got it in for you, there’s no limit to what you may have to put up with’ (Georgette Heyer). …